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Nausea and vomiting meaning and treatment

Nausea and vomiting meaning

Nausea is an upset stomach that usually comes before vomiting. Vomiting or voluntary vomiting (throwing up) of oral contents. So let's learn more about nausea and vomiting causes and treatment.

Nausea and vomiting meaning

Nausea and vomiting Difference 

Ther are some different between nausea and vomiting:-


Nausea came from the Greek word ‘nausia’ which means moving sickness. It is a feeling of discomfort, a tendency or a desire to clean up. One can suffer from this without showing vomiting.

Nausea is often felt by people undergoing chemotherapy. It is also widely known as stomach flu (for people with viral gastroenteritis) or morning sickness(for women in their first trimester of pregnancy).


In layman's name, clean "throw up" or "kick". When certain conditions occur, the abdominal tissues come together and push the contents out of the mouth. Sometimes it can be very powerful, so came the term projectile vomiting. Remember that a cleaner may feel nauseous.

What Causes Nausea or Vomiting?

Vomiting is an uncontrollable thought that removes the contents of the stomach through the mouth. Also called "sick" or "throwing." Nausea is a word that describes the feeling that you can vomit, but does not actually vomit.

Nausea causes 

Nausea is an unpleasant feeling of discomfort or discomfort in the abdomen. It usually occurs before cleaning.

Vomiting causes 

  1. Intestinal obstruction
  2. Campylobacter
  3. Chemotherapy
  4. Cholecystitis
  5. Infection
  6. Labyrinthitis
  7. Medications
  8. Dangerous Stimulus (Such as Emotional Feeling, Pain, Odors or Sounds)
  9. Pyloric Stenosis
  10. Radiation Therapy

Sign and symptoms of nausea and vomiting

Both nausea and vomiting are very common symptoms and can be caused by a variety of factors. They occur in children and adults, although they may be more common in pregnant women and in cancer patients.

symptoms of nausea and vomiting

symptoms of nausea and vomiting

  1. Movement sickness or seasickness
  2. Medication-induced vomiting
  3. Severe pain
  4. Emotional stress (such as fear)
  5. Gallbladder disease
  6. Food poisoning
  7. Infection (such as "stomach flu")
  8. Overeating
  9. Reaction of a specific odor or odor
  10. Heart disease
  11. Confusion or brain damage
  12. A brain tumor
  13. Other types of cancer
  14. Bulimia or other mental illnesses
  15. Gastroparesis or slow abortion (a condition that can be seen in people with diabetes)
  16. Ingestion of toxic or excessive alcohol
  17. Intestinal obstruction
  18. Appendicitis

Nausea and vomiting after eating 

A period of nausea or vomiting may indicate the cause. When it appears immediately after eating, nausea or vomiting can be caused by food poisoning, gastritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract), ulcer, or bulimia. Nausea or vomiting one to eight hours after a meal can also indicate food poisoning. However, certain bacteria found in food, such as salmonella, can take longer to produce symptoms.

Side-effect of nausea and vomiting 

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Fever
  3. Bright head
  4. Vertigo
  5. Fast beat rate
  6. Chest Pain Excessive sleepiness

What causes nausea and vomiting in children?

In children, vomiting is more common with viral infections, food poisoning, milk allergies, motion sickness, overeating or feeding, coughing, or intestinal infections when the child has a high fever.

Some children, vomit for unknown reasons. The most common causes of vomiting in children:-

  1. Infection of the stomach, intestines, ear, urinary tract, lungs or appendix.
  2. Digestive problems from gastroesophageal reflux, blockage of the digestive system, or pyloric stenosis (reducing inflammation between the stomach and intestines) in children.
  3. Allergies to food, overeating, or poor posture when feeding children.
  4. Toxic chemicals or substances swallowed by your child.
  5. Confusion or migraines.
  6. Bulimia in adolescence.

Nausea and Vomiting Treatment

There are many causes of Nausea and Vomiting and in the same way it is treated.

The treatments offered for Nausea and Vomiting from Indigestion are as follows: -

Cap Razo - D (Enteric-camera Rabeprazole sodium 20mg and domperidone SR 30mg) on ​​an empty stomach should be given 2 teaspoons of Syp Pantop MPS 2 in the morning and afternoon in the evening.

If the above treatment does not provide complete rest, then

Inj. Rantac 2ml (Ranitidine 50mg) injected into a muscle or Drip can go away.

Inj Periset 2ml [ondasetron) should be given venous.

Lacted Ringer's or DNS can be given if Nusea and Vomiting are taking too long and there is a physical condition.

If you have a stomach ache

Inj. Aquadol Spas (Diclofenac and Dicyclomine) can be used on the muscle as well.

Tab Zerodol spas (Aceclofenac and drotaverine) can be given.

If Nusea and Vomiting are caused by motion sickness or due to motion sickness

Tab Emikind - MD (prochlorperazine malete mouth dissolving) should be given 

If Nausea and Vomiting in pregnancy 

Tab Pregdox (Doxylamine succinate, Pyrodoxine Hydrochloride and folic acid) should be taken once a day at night but can be taken in the afternoon and evening if the need arises.

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy guidelines

Nausea and vomiting

  • Women who experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can stop iron-containing vitamins before childbirth during the first trimester and add folic acid or old vitamins or iron-rich babies.
  • Pyridoxine monotherapy or doxylamine / pyridoxine therapy combined is recommended as the first line in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy due to its effectiveness and safety.
  • Psychiatric therapy that is considered as part of pyridoxine therapy may be helpful. 
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  1. Nausea is a feeling of unease and discomfort in the stomach. It’s often accompanied by an urgent need to vomit, sweaty palms, and cold clammy skin. This sensation is known as “morning sickness” in pregnant women or people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
    If you’re looking for experienced Online Doctor For Treating Nausea who can treat your symptoms of nausea and vomiting, TelMDCare can help you. They’re a leading virtual healthcare center with a team of professional virtual doctors, who can treat your gastric issues, morning sickness, and nausea.


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